Friday 12 December 2014

Maths, Charity Work and Road Safety....

The past two weeks have been manic in TY. Every other day we have talks on Income Inequality, UN MD goals ect. or trips. Last Friday we had a Maths trip to Rathbeggan Lakes in Meath. We had to complete challenges using Maths. The trip was fun but it was 4'C at the warmest part of the day. After we went to Blachardstown and I got Chinese with Sarah, Sophie and Sinead which really helped with my 'frostbite'.

There were also goats

On Wednesday we went into Dublin to sell holy for the ISPCC which is a childrens charity. We went off in pairs to sell around Grafton Street. Clara and I sold at the Powerscourt centre which was quite quite so we didnt sell much. When we were going back to the bus we ran into the Protest against the oncoming Water Charges. There were thousands of people protesting and chanting. We got stuck in our bus for a while but eventually the protest moved on to the Dáil.

Yesterday we went to Puchestown to a Road safety talk. There were lots of other schools (way more than we expected). We had a talk about being safe on the road and how road deaths can impact a person for their lives. Also Spencer from Home and Away was there which was an added bonus.

Friday 28 November 2014

Fashion Show!!!

This week we had the fashion show in Celbridge Manor. It was so much fun and we got sell our mini company products. There were models that were students (from our school and Salesians), teachers, children ect and the show covered casual wear to weddings to debs. There were also carols, ballet, irish dancing and a teachers dance that got everyone laughing.

It was really stressful backstage as you had to get change really quickly in the dark, RIP to my socks who were lost in the comotion. Shoutout to Sadbh and Laura who got me ready for ballet in 2mins flat (hair in a neat bun). We also sold alot of our product i,protect which meant that we have covered all our costs. WOOO!!! Haha anyway the night was fab and I got to bring down one of the teachers daughters on the catwalk. She was so cute xxx

See ya next week
Anna xx

Friday 21 November 2014

Art trip, rugby players, i,protect...

So much happened this week in TY. On monday all the models (including yours truely) for the fashion show were told which shops we will modelling. I got United Colours of Benetton and on Tuesday I got fitted. Im wearing a gold sequin top with a suit. 

In other news we finally got our product for Mini company. They actually work thankfully and are 8.99 each. Follow us on all social media outlets and if you have any queries email us or message us on Facebook :)

On Tuesday we went to Carton House in Maynooth for an art trip. It was really fun and all the art were really good. I loved the pink dinosaur and the entrance. How much we actually concentrated on the art is unknown to me as the Irish rugby team were training there!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Some girls got pictures with Johnny Sexton and Tommy Bowe but I got a wave from Paul O Connell which made my life.

Anna x

Friday 14 November 2014

Mini company..

This week went really quickly. Our mini company is finally coming together after weeks of doubt,(literally two prototypes were lost in the post). Our company is called 'i.protect' and it is a product that stops Apple chargers from breaking.

On Thursday we went to UCD to a company who are called U3D. They agreed to make our product and hopefully it will be on sale soon. Follow us on 'i.protect' Facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr ect... 

Friday 24 October 2014

Animoto Slide show

Picture challenge!!

Try it out ;)

An inspirational quote....

In religion we watched the film 'The Pursuit of happiness' Its about poverty in the first world and it stars Will Smith. Its a really inspiration film and it teaches you to never give up. For our blog challenge we have to include and inspirational quote so this is it;

Friday 17 October 2014

A Quiet Week ?!?

This week was a relatively quiet week in TY. We are getting lots of projects in each class. We have projects on every thing from EU countries to leaves to making teddy bears. 

Work Experience is still going well but we got soaked when we went out to get pizza for lunch. It was nice pizza though so it was fine.

I realise that this post is really short but i'll try make it longer next week

Anna xx

Friday 10 October 2014

Walk in my shoes!

This week our school is promoting positive mental health for young people. To fundraise for this cause we have a non uniform day and everyone brings in 2euro. As the day is called 'Walk in my shoes' every one made an effort to wear different types of shoes. While walking in the corridor you can see both extremes- slippers and high heels. We are holding this event this week as today is World Mental Health Awareness Day. 

In other news we are finalising our mini company product design, discovered there will be a fashion show in November and baked a banoffe inbetween.

See ya next week,
Anna x
( )

Friday 3 October 2014


On Thursday we had the annual fun walk. Every year each class creates a dance and preforms it to the school and judges. Each year also has a colour theme. First years were pink, Second years were purple, Third years were green, TYs were yellow, Fifth years were blue and Sixth years were black and white.
As my class is Class Belle and our colour theme is yellow we preformed a dance to do with Beauty and the Beast. The dances also have to contain an element of anti-bullying. We had the 'Beast' (Sinead) being bullied and our tutor, Mr Lawlor dress up as Belle, save the day and twerk. We then all danced at the end. After all the classes had preformed we did a short walk around Celbridge.
First thing in the morning on Friday we discovered which classes won in each year. My class sadly didnt win and it was really funny to see our tutors face when we heard the news. 
Cya next week
Anna x

Work experience..

This week I started my first placement of work experience in the Chemistry Dept. of NUIM. I will have this placement every Wednesday for 10 weeks.Thankfully two other girls from my school are doing it there too so I wasn't on my own. When i first walked in the building my supervisor ran down  the stairs and said that he needed to go to the hospital to get stitches as he got knocked off his bike on the way to work. Everyone was really nice and made us feel welcome. I had to order supplies, sort out chemicals, sort out papers ect. Luckily my supervisor was fine and came back two hours into the work day. I really enjoyed my first day of working and cant wait for next week :)

Anna xx

Friday 26 September 2014

Work shops and Mini Company Trip..

We were all still very tired after Carlingford on Monday and Tuesday but we had to be back in school at 9 the next morning. We had three separate work shops on Wednesday. The first was on work experience, how to act, what to wear ect... The second was about communication and learning what type of communicator you are. The last was a second etiquette work shop. We learned about fake tan, skin under tones and how to do makeup for work experience.
On Thursday we went on a trip to NUIM for a lecture on mini company and business. Mini company is a competition where students form small business companies. You create new products or services and sell them (you can keep any profit you make!!) The lecture was about coming up with new innovative ideas, managing your business and creative marketing. It was really interesting and me and my group picked up alot of ideas. Hopefully our idea for a product will work and be successful. 
In short it was a really busy but fun week:)

Anna xx


Last Monday we all woke at 6am and gathered at the 'ESSO' station just before 7. There was little talking as all were too tired and the idea of using precious energy to talk was unimaginable. There was an electric atmosphere however and we all filed onto the two buses. The journey to Carlingford in Louth took 2hrs but by the end everyone was a lot more energetic.
     The town was so pretty and seemed like we walked straight into a movie. We had a quick briefing in the courtyard of the adventure centre and were sorted into our rooms. I was in room 62 with my friends. We were delighted with our room as it was modern and bright (it also had a proper shower and comfy beds). I was pretty happy with myself as I secured the top bunk.
     We were split into two groups and began the short walk to the beach.We received our wet-suits , life jackets and helmets and got changed.It turns out that wet-suits aren't the most flattering attire. We then went canoeing. It was so much fun and we played games on the rocky beach. We then had a lunch of sausages and chips.
 Next we did laser tag, we were all kitted out with our guns and 'comunsies' (combat onsies). We the hike up the dreaded hill to the forest. The walk was not pleasant,very long and we were only aided by short breaks and sips of ribena. We were split into two teams and started playing in the area which had barriers and tunnels which you could hide in. I wasn't very good at first but I survived the last few games. My favourite was the sniper game which I teamed up with my friend Pia to take out the enemy. In the end my team, the blue team won!! I had loads of sticky tree sap in my hair and on my hands which wasn't the nicest. 

We all had dinner and returned to our rooms for an hours break. Thankfully I was able to shower the sap out of my hair. We walked back to the centre at 7pm. We then were guided on a long walk around Carlingford up again to the forest stopping sometimes to play short games. One of these included an egg-unicorn rock paper scissors in which Jane did an excellent impression of an egg. It became dark and we continued our walk back to the forest. There we had a night line walk where we were blindfolded and followed a rope while the 'forest spirits' (the instructors) tried to scare us.
After the night line we had free time. Many got Chinese or chippers but me and  Clara were prepared, we brought instant noodles. At first we couldnt find any essential hot water but our TY coordinator Ms Leonard found a kettle and made us the noodles. Thanks Miss!! The following hours were full of chatting, singing, dancing (there was a disco for the schools in the centre), eating, more eating and many hours later, sleep.
We were woke up early next morning by the instructors banging and shouting outside our doors every two minutes. At least my room didn't had the intercom which blared out the instructors talking to us and music. After a hearty meal of toast we went Canadian canoeing. Me and Anna were the only ones in our boat who sang and we were later pushed off the platform for singing Iggy Azeala. we were then brought to a cave where cold water was poured on our heads making us live a day longer.
After lunch we had an extremely long walk to a challenge course where we had to complete as many challenges as possible (my team came second, wooo!!)
At last we had to say goodbye to Carlingford and we left for home. It was by far the best school trip so far.
Anna xx

Friday 12 September 2014


This week we finally received our Junior Cert Results. Its hard to  believe that we sat our exams in June, it seems like years ago. On Tuesday more fake tans were appearing in preparation for going out after our results. On Wednesday at 12 we filed into the PE. We were all waiting anxiously (the fake tan count had soared by this stage). Finally we were all handed the dreaded envelopes containing the outcome of our 3 years work. Many left the hall and waited to open their results, I however am not a patient person and opened mine straight away. I was ecstatic with my results as I received all As and a couple of Bs.

That night we all went out to Wrights to celebrate (or forget) our results. We all had a great night but we were all tired with fatigue the next day as we had to come in by 9;05. Many teachers found our tired states funny but were pleased equally by our results. Baking cookies later in home ec. really helped me wake up.
Next week we are heading to Carlingford and I cant wait!
       See you later,
        Anna xx

Friday 5 September 2014

First week in TY..

So today is the last day of the first full week of TY. I doesn't feel like a week has already gone. This year there are 3 TY classes named after Disney princesses, Ariel, Belle (my class!) and Aurora. Thankfully I am in the same class as some of my friends and all the girls are really nice. 
Classes are really fun and there are lots of assignments and projects. My first Art class ever has however pointed out that Im not very creative and that a two year old could probably draw leaves better than I can. 
On Wednesday we had workshops all day. First we had positive parties which involved laughing yoga,dancing to ABBA and pretending to be lawnmowers. Then we had a first aid class and an etiquette where we walked with books on our heads on a red carpet, exfoliated our hands and learned about tights and various other things. I had lots of fun and can't wait for the next set of workshops but now I'm looking forward to/being worried about Wednesday when I get my Junior Cert results.

 Bye for now,
Anna xx